Monday 27 November 2023
13:00 Registration
13:30 Pre-Conference Workshop (option)
17:00 IATUR Executive meeting
Tuesday 28 November 2023
10:00 Registration
10:30 Opening remarks
11:00 Welcome coffee
11:30 Plenary session 1
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Parallel session 1
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Parallel session 2
18:30 Welcome reception
Wednesday 29 November 2023
9:00 Registration
9:30 Plenary session 2
11:00 Coffee break and Poster session1
11:30 Parallel session 3
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Parallel session 4
18:30 Gala dinner
Thursday 30 November 2023
9:00 Registration
9:30 Plenary session 3
11:00 Coffee break and Poster session2
11:30 Parallel session 5
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Parallel session 6
15:30 General assembly (with coffee)
16:30 Closing session
17:30 Mini tour (option)
Note: All Lunch and coffee break will be served at conference floor and be included in the conference fee.
Chair: Theun Pieter van Tienoven
Centre for Time Use online time use diary tool
Oriel Sullivan, Jonathan Gershuny, Juana Lamote
Simultaneous Behaviours and Time Use: An Application of the Experience Sampling Method in Time-Use Survey in Japan
Kenji Ishida
Designing, creating, and conducting the International Association’s Time Use Survey (IATUS) through MOTUS
Theun Pieter van Tienoven
Chair: Yoko Shimada
Time use research in the field of transportation planning
Mamoru Taniguchi, Sumiko Ishibashi
Time use research in lifestyle analysis for decarbonization
Yuko Kanamori
Time use research in evaluation of residents’ health risk caused by environmental contamination
Yoko Shimada
Chair: Takeshi Mizunoya
Gender and time use in East Asian and Western societies, 1980s - 2010s
Man-yee Kan
Sleep, Study and Unpaid Work in Korea
Ki-soo Eun